Thursday 25 April 2013

Chocolate Nuts

Chocolate nuts are VERY easy to make, and chocolate and nuts go very well together! :D

Get some plain chocolate. 
Ahh! Yummy! :9 But it'll be even yummier once you're done with it! :b

With the assistance of a grown-up, melt it in a saucepan.

As yummy as it may look, don't eat any from the saucepan as it'll be boiling hot and you'll burn yourself. (You may be able to lick some off the wooden spoon, but you may burn your tongue slightly, so it's not reccomended.)

Then, add some nuts (hazelnuts and walnuts are good). 
Crack the nuts with a nutcracker, and then pick up a nut, spear it onto the end of a pin, and dip it into the chocolatey mix. Let the nut get completely coated in chocolate, and then set it on some greaseproof paper while the chocolate cools and hardens. Meanwhile, do the other nuts. Do be careful not to burn yourself. I don't want to be responsible XD

And then you will have some scrumptious chocolate nuts! :D 
You can also do it with raisins or other dried fruit. 

Enjoy! :D

 PS. Credit for the photos goes to their respectful owners as they are off Google. 

PPS. :9 is a licking-your-lips or hungry face/smily/emoticon I invented. ^.^


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